Franchise Packages
Sleeping Franchise
This franchise can be primarily a ‘sleeping’ investment franchise. You don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. As a franchisee you can invest into specific areas and postcodes, agents that carry out jobs within your area will get paid their commission of 30% on each chargeable job and you will receive 20% of the overall fee charged.
This type of sleeping franchise can return you a much better Return on Investment (ROI) than you may get from a standard savings account.
Working Franchise
Alternatively, you can work within your own area if you so wish and receive both the 30% and 20% combined so you receive 50% of the overall fee charged. You can also have agents work within your area to ensure that all jobs get completed within the relevant timeframes.
This franchise option gives you the flexibility to earn extra income as and when you want.
Shareholding Franchise
This franchise can be a combination of both the Sleeping Franchise and the Working Franchise but with the bonus of becoming a shareholder of RECONN-ECT. You can just take this franchise up without taking the other options up if you so wish.
This option is only open to the first 10 Franchisees that take up this option.
Franchise Packages & POTENTIAL EARNINGS
The following are the prices for the franchise and the potential earnings if 150 jobs are carried out within your
territory each month.
There are THREE levels at which you can become a Franchisee
Expected return on exit
- 1 alloacated area
- Cost: *$7500
* Cost of Franchise is Subject to increasing during January 2022